May 1, 2024

Quickly Improve Your Persuasive Writing With This Proven 4 Step Structure

Effective Persuasive Writing Including Content
and Copy Writing Follows a Proven Structure.

Persuasive Writing Structure Using The 4 Ps

Good content structure will contain certain elements time and time again. Whether you’re writing a sales page, long blog post or promotional ebook. Staying grounded in good content structure will determine effectiveness.

Today you will learn the structural guidelines involved with the 4 Ps of content and copy creation.

The “4 Ps”  isn’t new and I didn’t make it up. Professional writers from all walks have used this. And I’m telling you that if you give this a little practice, it will do wonders for your writing.

You will find that in many fields of study, half the battle is won in using proven structures. It’s no different with marketing. And no different with persuasive writing. Or content and copy writing.

It’s a fact…

When you can write with proven structures, you will create better understandings. When your writing educates, you’re more likely to receive a warm reception when you ask for action.

[Side note] Hate writing? No worries. This 4 P structure applies to video and audio too.

Let’s dive in.

The “4 P” Structure: Promise, Picture, Proof, and Push

Let’s look at what each element requires you to deliver to the reader.


You’ve made promises before, so you should ‘get this.’ Don’t over complicate it.

If you’re stuck on this one, here is the most basic example of the promise I will make to you right now:

I promise that by the end of this blog post, you will understand the 4 Ps persuasive writing structure, and how you can use it to become more effective with your persuasive writing pieces.

The promise is the most important part of the structure because if the reader stops reading, it’s game over. The promise is “what’s in it for them.”

Think of it this way… you want your reader’s attention. And the only way you will get to have it, is if your promise is worth it for them to stay.

So… make your promise worth it for them to stick around.


Make it descriptive. Paint a picture. Use metaphors.

Mark Hoverson has a technique that he uses effectively. He says it like this,

Juxtaposition. Dream vs. Nightmare.

State the potential ideal scenario that is related to what you’re selling (even if you haven’t personally achieved it). Then state the common nagging problem that is the current reality for your reader.

Dig into the problem. Twist a knife in the pain. Make it hurt more.

Focus on how slow it takes if they continue on the path they are on. Focus on how expensive it will be if they don’t make a change.

Once you’ve fleshed out the pain, flip it.

Do the same thing, but with pleasure, joy, bliss — the best possible scenario. The best possible result. Make a strong case that this “best possible result” is a bi-product of what you’re selling.

In this section you’re going to pull on emotion.

At this point you’re half done. You’ve covered all the major stuff you intended to cover. Time to back it up with proof.


If the purpose of the “Picture” section is to pull the emotional strings. What you’re trying to do here in the “Proof” section is appeal to their logical side.

Here’s what you cannot do…

You cannot ask people to accept your assertions without supporting evidence.

Supporting evidence can be in testimonial form, third party facts, statistical and graphical information in the form of graph and charts are all proof examples.

Don’t skimp in this section. Proof solidifies credibility. Credibility carries trust and authority.

If you get proof wrong, the writing piece will fail.


Push is making your call to action AND asking for the sale.

Take everything you’ve written from the above 3 sections, and make an outstanding offer that concludes by asking for the purchase.

Make it make as much sense to your reader as it does to you.

Re-emphasize what you’ve already told them and connect all the dots. Ask for the purchase.

Just remember the structure: Promise, Picture, Proof and Push

This will help you predictably produce good content and copy writing that simply educates your reader in an appealing way.

This compelling “4 P” structure will help you be a better persuasive writer, and consequently, a better marketer. Apply this to your videos and audios too. The 4 P structure is a proven method that has been used by many a writing professional. Work on it, and you’ll find that your readers begin to see things your way more often.

If you want to quickly learn to write persuasive sales and lead-generating messages in a VERY affordable six-week copy writing crash course with the world’s foremost copy writing teacher, click here.

About Eric Walker

Eric is an 80/20 Marketing staff member and marketing collaborator. He spends his days writing content and copy for a marketing purpose. Eric is an optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. If you have a question, and/or would like to communicate with Eric directly, email


  1. This is an excellent article and I am going to try out the 4 P’s!
    I think I will even write an article about it on my blog.
    Thank you!

  2. This is absolutely perfect for me to read right now! I am working with a Real Estate and Vacation Rental company on their Online Marketing. They need great content that captures their readers. They don’t know how or what to write. The 4ps gives them the how, and the what is easy, if you are in the Real Estate business, write about REAL ESTATE. If you are in the vacation business, write about VACATIONS.

    I am forwarding this to them for their ongoing Online Marketing education. Thanks a bunch!

  3. Perfect structure for very good writing! Usually a put the promise in the title, often like question: how to… ho is… Trying to capture visitor’s attention

  4. I landed here via Ken Picard from the Empowered Tribe. This is an incredible article. It is easy to remember because of the 4 “P’s” Great work!

  5. Very very interesting. Gonna put it into practice and will let you know if my Sales improve. Thnks

  6. This is great for developing writing material especially
    a blog or short story to present a theme or plan.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  7. Hi , Ann

    Love these 4P formula

    will start to implementing now


  8. Thanks Eric, you make it sound so easy.

    I’ll certainly be bearing this structure in mind when i write copy in the future.

  9. This was very inspiring and indeed a good lesson. I will put this method into practice and measure the results but I am all but certain it will help!

  10. Wow this is great info Eric!! It is really laid out step by step and very understandable.. Thanks for sharing with us :)

  11. Excellent article Eric! This really is a simple formula to help anyone who never considered themself a “writer”. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Thank you for sharing this article; I am a blogger; freelance writer, and a real estate investor and though I usually don’t have a problem with my content, it is always a great idea to get tips from other experts to refresh one’s process and keep things fresh.

  13. Crystal Presence says:

    Thank you Eric. There’s so much on copywriting out there, that it’s refreshing to have the overview of what I want to say narrowed down to your “4P’s”. Have these makes it so much easier to remember where I’m heading in my emails and other writing. Gratitude for the time you took to do this for us. Best to you, Crystal

  14. Hi Eric, as usual you’ve over-delivered again, thanks.


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