May 3, 2024

Introducing “21 Suggestions For Success” Video Series (let’s take this one day at a time)

Ann Sieg and Brian SiegThere’s a lot of different views on how to reach success.

Sometimes it’s about getting back to the basics.

Here is the back story of my husband and I connecting with a Finnish silversmith who lives along the shores of Lake Superior and how he has found success.

Join me in this journey.

Please comment after each video your thoughts on each “suggestion for success”.

Dive into my video to find out what Suggestion #1 is – along with my perspective on it.


Like most people, when I got my start I spent many frustrating years recruiting friends and family, attending meetings, and calling opportunity leads. After going into debt and watching my husband lose his income, I knew I had to try something different.

So I turned to the Internet.

It was an “unconventional method” back then, but for me, along with the help of my son, Isaiah, proved extremely powerful.

In sum, I learned how to attract leads, prospects, customers and repeat buyers. For one company I was with, I was able to become the #1 international producer in just 6 short months. At one point, my business grew to $90,000 a month. I earned my first million within 2 years.

So with this “21 Suggestions For Success” video series, I hope to impart some of the things I’ve learned both from the personal side of business as well as the professional side.

If you’d like to learn more about my story, and this “little old thing” called attraction marketing, download my manifesto. Everyone I’ve worked with has. It’s a great primer toward online marketing success.

If you are enjoying this “Success Suggestions” series, you can watch all of the videos in the series here at my YouTube channel.

About Ann Sieg

Ann Sieg is the CEO of 80/20 Marketing, Inc. She's the author of The Renegade Network Marketer, The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing & The Attraction Marketer's Manifesto. I'm inviting you to connect with me. I love feedback. All of it. So let's have an intelligent helpful conversation to help you become more profitable in your business. Leave a comment below.


  1. I married for the first and last time when I was 47 years old. I was determined to not marry the wrong person,and most of the ladies that I was meeting were not the right person. We met in church, and within a week and a half we had a joint checking account and 2ere starting to plan our wedding. Our parents and friends thought we were crazy, but when our pastor gave us a personality test, he said that we were a perfect match. I am married to Brandy with no reserves, I will do whatever it takes to make my marriage work and thrive. I am glad that I waited for the right person, while the wait was difficult ay times it was well worth it.

  2. Hi Ann-
    I just watched your success tip #1 video.

    I am so blessed to say that I indeed was fortunate enough to find and marry the the right person…my soulmate.

    I so agree that this can make or break ones happiness in life!

    Thanks for the video!

  3. I agree with this success tip. What I got from this was the underlying importance of commitment, not only in marriage, but in business, and life in general. I strongly believe that when we commit to something 100%, our will becomes strengthened and evolves into something larger than ourselves that will bring unseen help to our aid to manifest our desired outcome(s). It seems like this artisan you met had made a commitment to keep this older art form and craftsmanship alive for future generations, so it wouldn’t be lost. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your insights on this.

    • Good tie in there, Gabriel, with the artisan. Yes, it grieved him that artistry to specific cultures are being completely lost. He is a reflection of a commitment to great craftsmanship. My husband and I felt like we had been transported back several centuries. He had replicas from the days of the Vikings. It was amazing.

  4. Hi Ann,

    I admit I have ignored the emails coming from you many times,
    but after I heard this video where you share about your values,
    I think I will pay more closely attetion to what you say.

    I am BA beleiver and completely agree with your approach to marriage and commitment.


  5. Great life lesson story Ann! The excitement of being adventurous/adventursome is a huge part of the daily teamwork in a marriage as your story points out. The same principle applies to families or really to any kind of partnership or relationship whether it’s new or seasoned. Making things fun (as in your spontaneous stop at The Craftsman’s Workshop) keeps the spirit alive and open to learning! I love the Success Lesson this teaches me: Lesson being.. that by honing in on and sharpening my skills of genuine, intentional curiosity, relationships will be enriched and new connections will be easily established and strengthened. The unexpected is all around me all the time, I will continue to exercise that part of my personal mission/journey by actively searching and reaching out for it (sometimes driving back to it!) expecting it to appear.. of course then by thoroughly enjoying the results and the experiences held within….

  6. Ann,
    This video has been such a blessing, ironically, it came right after me and my wife had a big fight. This refresher was indeed needed, because I know I’ve found my “good thing”.

  7. Hi Ann, I couldn’t agree more with the number one suggestion. We’ve been married for 17 years now. Seems just like a couple of years ago we got married.

    Have you and Brian been to Colonial Williamsburg? You might get a kick out of their trades program.

    • Congrats on your 17 years, Tracey! No, Brian and I haven’t been to Colonial Williamsburg together but I took our three boys there several years ago. They absolutely loved it! Perhaps Brian and I will make it there together yet. :)

  8. Hi Ann, Thanks for sharing. I couldn’t agree more. We are celebrating our 43rd this December. I would like to add one thing; as our relationship matured, I realized that our marriage was influencing more people than even our ever-growing family. It was not just about the two of us. I felt a deep responsibility to the continued success of our marriage. The Lord has blessed us abundantly! :-)

  9. Hi Ann,
    Thanks for sharing the #1 Suggestion for Success. Marriage is a great institution, if you want to live in an institution (only kidding)
    I guess I’m an exception to the rule, in that I’m happily single and have been for over 20 years. I think that if you love and respect the person that you are then you can be happy and succeed in whatever you choose to do.

    • So glad you shared, Len. Agreed. I know very happy single people and glad to know you’re one of them. As for the institution I’m there lock, stock and barrel (and loving it!) :)

  10. Very Good Ann,

    Thank you Ann for all you do.

    I can attest, Marriage can be heaven or hell. I have experienced a little bit of both over the years. I’ve never found anything that is close to the warmth and love of a Woman. The next best thing is light years away Best Wishes, Always G. Boyce Bazzell (Bazz)

    • Aww, thanks for sharing, Garvin. On the whole I believe we’ve been wired for companionship. Having a best friend and soulmate through a spouse is indeed heaven on earth. I’m grateful I haven’t experienced the hell part but know that it’s out there.

  11. Don Whitted says:

    My spouse & I have been to Lake Supereior about 20 times with our families. When you first started telling about your journey,my first cousin has a sculpture shop if Tofte & I thought you might be talking about him.He has a degree in sculpting from a university in Minnesota.We camped this summer in Gran mara for some 10 days.You are talking about an area of life I love to talk about. My christian faith means more to me than life itself. I love my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I would love to be able to share Biblical Science with others because it builds your faith so strongly.Noahs Ark & the global flood left sea shells on Mt Everest. In 1980 Mt St Helens erupted & the mountain debris cut out a Grand Canyon look alike establishing a coal bed. This didnt take millions of years to accomplish.Bethlehem & all the intricate details of Christs birth was prophised 700 years prior to the event.I find it extemely fasanating.I look forward to day two, Thank You.

    • Wonderful! Thanks for sharing, Don. Likely my husband and I were in your cousin’s shop some time over the many trips we took up North. We love it there!

  12. I think that you made a really good job appointing this point as a # one suggestion for success. I am also blessed That I married the right person so she has been not just my complement but my “complice” in must of my adventures and always keep encouragin me to go forward and get things done.

    Congrats Ann.

    • Thanks for sharing, Fernando. Glad you found the right person for marriage. Actually these aren’t my suggestions for success. They came by way of the little story I shared in my video. It was from a silversmith we met while on our 3 day get-away. I thought it would be fun to share on the reflections my husband and I had as we went through the 21 suggestions.
      There’s 20 more to come. Stay tuned. :)

  13. Dear Ann,
    I too can check off #1 as I am married to my best friend and sole mate for almost 38 years. That doesn’t mean it’s all been smooth sailing and clear skies. We’ve had our moments and times of stress and conflicts and sadness and anger and everything in-between, but through it all was always this awareness that we were partners and were going to stick it out. So much of it has to do with mindset and instead of looking for the “out” we naturally would look for the solution-knowing that eventually we’d find a way to work things out.

    I’d love to hear more of your story of how you and Brian got together. It sounds very intriguing. For me I had made a list of exactly what I wanted in a husband-his character, values, personality etc. so when I met Al it took me about 30 seconds to check them all off and though I was weeks away from being engaged to a high school sweetheart I knew he was the ONE. (It took Al a little longer to figure it out-but with a plan, a bikini and some help from roommates…Well perhaps I should leave it at that :)

    That said thank you for sharing these tips. Looking forward to hearing the rest of them.

  14. Hi Anne, I enjoyed to listen to your video about your first of the 21 suggestions to happiness. Can’t wait to hear the other 20. Saying that 90% of happiness is to marry the right person. I fully agree. I had a 32 years wonderful marriage. I definitely had the right partner. Give and take, unselfish love, being there for our children unconditionally were the most important for both of us. I learned from my husband being absolutely unselfish. He was the most loving and caring person on earth. I can see his goodness in our children. We were blessed with two loving, caring daughters. I pray and “talk” to him each night. He is in my heart even that the higher powers decided to take him away. My life was balanced, happy during the 32 years. Thanks for sharing

    • Aw, so happy for your many wonderful years with your dear husband but sad he’s now gone from you. His love was poured into your children and now you have that love lived out through them. That is truly the ultimate blessings. Thanks for sharing, Elvira.

  15. So thankful to hear you sought the leading of God in your decisions. When you have that settled peace in your heart, which can only come from Him, you “just know” it is the right thing to do. As you know my late wife and I spent 50 years and 4 months of our lives “committed” to each other. It certainly made it a lot easier to rear 5 children. Our lives were so happy together. I miss her so much. You and Brian continue to cherish each moment. Can’t wait to hear the next “suggestions”. Thank you for sharing a personal part of yourself.

    • Thanks for sharing, Dan. You’re an awesome guy and I’m glad to have met you face to face. So sad to hear of your loss. I’m sure the sadness is deep. It is hard for me to fathom missing my man should he be the first to go. So pleased you had a wonderful marriage and the fruit of raising five children together.

  16. Ann, this really resonated with me because my husband and I dated 8 years before we committed to marry. We were both interested in our marriage working out and divorce has not been an option. We’re going on 28 years. But I love the idea that you would go into this covenant with intention and allow God to lead that for you. I also see how this relates to business because when you make a commitment to something and intend for it to be successful, you are far more likely to experience that success with the promise you make to yourself and/or your business partners. Great first suggestion!

    • Thanks for sharing, Lisa. Glad you liked the suggestion. I thought it was a good one. Most definitely there’s a strong tie-in to business. Congrats on a wonderful and blessed marriage.

  17. Great first suggestion, Ann! My story is similar to yours except that I had no intention of ever marrying but had prayed that if it were God’s will that He would lead me to the one He had chosen for me. Steve and I became friends during med school. Our shared tendency to “color outside the lines” and “push the envelope” drew us together initially, but it was the Spirit of God that knit our lives together in love. Although it hasn’t been all “moonlight and roses”, it has been good–very good. I so appreciate Steve’s willingness to let me follow my heart and leave the practice of medicine to home-school our four kids. Over the 37 years we have been married we have raised 4 children to responsible adulthood and received the crowning glory of nine grandchildren. . As followers of Jesus Christ we are firmly committed to God and to each other. The vows to love and cherish one another through thick and thin until “death do us part” that we recited before God and 300 witnesses on July 4, 1976 serve as a powerful motivator to “do the hard work” necessary to make it work. Over the years we have grieved over the skyrocketing number of divorces among friends and family members. It is by the grace of God and the power of commitment that we have avoided the pitfalls of unfaithfulness. In many ways a marriage is like a business–the hard work and long hours at first, the need to stick with it when the conventional wisdom screams “time to bail out” and the satisfaction of knowing that when you get your priorities right (God first, each other second and everything else to follow)– and take appropriate action, success is almost sure to follow.

    • Thanks for sharing, Bobbie. Wow, that was a big move to leave your practice to homeschool your children. Congratulations on your marriage, your family and now nine grandchildren! That’s beautiful.

  18. Great story Ann. I checked off this first one and loom forward to the next suggestion.

  19. Pamela Dorry says:

    Ann, I fully agree with your first suggestion, but how can one be sure about his choice in advance,it is a gamble for life ,you and I were and are lucky then. Actually I was surprised you put this suggestion first in the list to come, somehow ,before I had read your suggestion, I would relate it to the actions of one person in different circles:family, friends and colleagues. But then thinking once again, one’s actions many time are are encouraged or discouraged by the closest person in life.

    • Hi Pamela, actually this isn’t my list at all. This is a list that was provided to us by a silversmith that we met while on a three day retreat up north. The silversmith didn’t write it either. He found it somewhere, liked it well enough and thought he would pass it on to his workshop visitors. So my husband and I had a fun conversation around this list. That’s why I’m sharing it here.

      As for the selection of a mate, you’re right. It is a gamble. In my case, I didn’t make the choice so much as I let God choose. So for me there was no gamble or risk. It was pure faith and of course, a lot of love for my man. I’m not here to debate the existence of God and all that. It’s just that was my mindset for choosing a mate. My strategy worked out quite well as a result.

  20. I spent last evening with a girl’s youth group. The topic for discussion…relationships!
    Hearing the cultural norm for youth today in relationships raises grave concerns.

    I’m so thankful for the privilege to share with the girls how standing up for what I believed in my faith and not compromising brought to me a gem of a guy with whom I have shared 39 years of marriage. Was it all bliss? No. However, being on the same page, having a committment to love when it wasn’t easy works for us.

    The steadfastness of our marriage is my anchor in turmoil. That is a grounded happiness for me.

    • Thanks for sharing, Pat. Yes, it is troubling to see the cultural shift as it relates to relationships and long term commitments. All the more reason to stay involved with the youth. You’re doing the right thing!

  21. The year 2014 will mark our 40th anniversary of marriage. I would not describe my spouse and I as soul mates, and I don’t think he would either because we are so different on so many levels. I would describe us as complimentary – more like we balance each other out. A yin and yang sort of couple – for instance shadow cannot exist without light and a rainbow can’t exist without rain. Just when I start fantasizing about running away, he does says something unexpected which makes me laugh. At this very moment, am watching some of the grandkids at their house, and I call home. He answers “Welcome to the house of horrors, how may I scare you today?” And it has been scary over there…he is trying to paint the living room, the furnace quit, our disabled daughter needs a ride to work, the granddaughter who lives with us had just had a melt-down. Yep, this sort of a day is a daily occurrence at our home and he found a way to make it funny. Thanks for the reminder that marrying the right person makes all the difference in the world over how the events of our lives unfold.

    • Thanks for sharing, Randi. Wow! 40 years! That is spectacular. Brian and I are a bit like the yin, yang you describe in your marriage. Or more like salt and pepper. It definitely works for us. Glad you’ve had a happy successful marriage.

  22. John Thoma says:

    Don’t most people marry someone else as a substitute for “marrying” themselves?. What if a commitment to a partner is only possible after a commitment to self? What if more people would look inside before they look outside for a relationship that generates kindness, nurturing, trust and fulfillment? John

    • I’ve recently started receiving your emails, Ann. This was the first one I actually read. I really appreciate this being the first one, because it has let me know where you’re coming from. I, too, have a great God-story of how He brought me and my husband together after we had both prayed for His spouse for us. I had been a nun in Germany for two years when he prayed (I left suddenly and met him a year later); 2 weeks after I prayed he came into my life – and 2 weeks later he proposed! We married 3 months later – and that was 39 years ago. We have gone through many trying circumstances in our life, but have always stuck together and buoyed each other up. There’s just nothing like it when God puts you together. We certainly feel blessed.

  23. Fanny Patino says:

    I am from a Hispanic background, my first language is Spanish; but I am truly seeking leadership skills and thank you because your are providing me free lessons on personal development. These are like the small steps that I need to take in order to take the desired giant steps. Just recently was looking at a how to blog in Spanish, but my purpose is about how I could smoothly clear my mind in understanding the concepts by switching back and for. One thing for sure is that if I don’t know it, it doesn’t matter what language i try to use.
    My main point is that you as an educator you are able to understand me.
    Thank you. You are a great coach and you have a neat history to share.

    • You’re very welcome, Fanny. I’m glad you’re getting value from my personal development training. My belief is you can’t get enough of it. There’s always room for improvement, which makes it fun and inspiring.

      I wish you the very best in your blogging efforts, especially through the Spanish language. You’re starting at a great time. If you’d like to get more specific blogging training considering joining me in my Daily Marketing Coach. I’ve got several members whose primary language is Spanish. TOne member lives in Spain another in Costa Rica. You can learn more here.

      Regardless of whether you join my training community keep me posted on your progress. My blog has tons of blogging training as well.

      Enjoy and Happy New Year!

  24. Eleanor Ancerson says:

    I have been away from email since the end of November. In the meantime, I have had surgery with complications and a lot of time to think about what my husband and I want to do, going forward, in regard to pursuing the development of a business. The one decision I made was to start by clearing the email and search for help there to formulate a plan. What a blessing to open your email. After watching the first video and reading the responses from others, I thought about just proceeding to the second video right away but have decided that I will use some self discipline and do them one day at a time. Roger, my husband of 53 years, has viewed the video and has agreed to share the daily process. We will use daily prayer along with discussion of the 21 suggestions and everything we need to explore as we make our decision about how to go forward. We are looking forward to doing this together. Our faith in God is very important to us and we are committed to living JOY – Jesus/God first, Others next, Yourself next.

  25. Thomas Saunders says:

    hello my name is Thomas saunders I order your your renegade package I did not receive a book and the CDs that goes with it my new address is 6941Runik PL Columbus Ohio my zip 43068 my old 4704 old bellyway and my old phone number was917-497-2144 and now this is my new phone number917-891-4453 can you please send me a renegade package I am so much into your that is so good and how to learn the eBay and can you please send me that program thank you very much pS I love your website and that you keep it real


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