May 13, 2024

Ann Sieg and Mike Dillard at The Great Wealth Transfer Conference

“I think that this is going to be the single most important conference this year that anyone could attend.”
-Mike Dillard referring to The Great Wealth Transfer Conference.

Mike Dillard and I created this short video at our pre-conference networking party that was limited to the first 100 people who responded and purchased a ticket prior to arriving. It was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed meeting and speaking with everyone who was in attendance.

Drinks and food were made available. My 80/20 Marketing Team was there with me, as were members of The Elevation Group and Great Wealth Transfer Conference presenters.

Mike Dillard and I stepped out for a quick moment to introduce you to the conference and why we think it is so important to take action during this pivotal period in history. Take four minutes to watch this video.

Mike Dillard and Ann Sieg Talk About “Great Wealth Transfer”

What You Can Do Watching at Home

I also encourage you to follow this link here to learn more about Mike Dillard’s The Elevation Group.

I give The Elevation Group my highest recommendation and encourage you to optin to receive more information.

About Ann Sieg

Ann Sieg is the CEO of 80/20 Marketing, Inc. She's the author of The Renegade Network Marketer, The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing & The Attraction Marketer's Manifesto. I'm inviting you to connect with me. I love feedback. All of it. So let's have an intelligent helpful conversation to help you become more profitable in your business. Leave a comment below.


  1. Richard Peters says:

    Let’s meetup and discuss return America to honest money (Silver and Gold 16:1)

    Richard Peters


  2. ken maclean says:

    definitely more than worth the trip….awesome!

    • Thanks Ken. :-)

      My team and I really enjoyed putting together this event. We couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome. A huge thank you to Paul Haarman who went way beyond the norm to deliver an obscene amount of value.

      We were really blessed with a full line up of amazing presenters along with the Elevation Group founder himself Mr. Mike Dillard.

      Thanks for stopping by and be sure to share the message of The Great Wealth Transfer with as many people as possible.


  3. These are, indeed, interesting times. It’s good to see both Ann Sieg and Mike Dillard taking the lead in getting the word out that the world as we know it is going to become very different overnight.

    Many things that people have come to expect — such as Social Security, state and municipal pensions, and health care — may soon be drastically revised in light of the essential bankruptcy of government promises.

    Gold, silver, oil, and food are rising in price weekly. The stock market, bond market, and U.S. dollar are balloons in search of a pin.

    I’m sorry I can’t be there to learn the techniques we can use to prepare for this. I’ll be looking for the recordings when they are released.

    • Hi Paul,

      We’ll definitely keep people posted on when the recordings are available. Super kudos to my team for all the processing along with the amazingly talented Glenn Arcaro who headed up our film crew.

      Indeed the govt trough has dried up. As Mike Dillard shared from the stage we are in the Age of Self Reliance. This is why your connections and alliances will be more valuable than ever before.

      Let the Great Wealth Transfer begin!


  4. your right about the typical job is not what it use to be any more so you have educate yourself on the future of what can and what may happen in the coming years

    • That’s right, Tom. Self-education needs to become more and more the norm. Not little birdies with the mouths open waiting for someone to feed and tell us what to do.

      It will take empowerment leadership to help cross this new transition to help people self educate.

      Every speaker this weekend is an empowerment educator. Basically that means is being willing to take the time to educate people as clearly as possible so that people own the process and are able to make educated decisions on their own.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  5. Thanks for this video.
    Feels like we’re all there with you, for those 3-4 minutes, so it’s like sharing a fraction of the energy that you are experiencing :)

    Appreciate your sharing with the world.
    With you there in my heart, for sure 😉

  6. Teaching folks that becoming cash flow reliant is so much more important than becoming self reliant? I find it quite odd and much more disturbing that this very serious state of affairs our world economy is in you both find exciting and even chuckle thru out? Using fear has gone to the extreme here.

    • Hi Joann,

      I am a big context person. So let’s go there quickly for a moment, shall we?

      This video was done at our Friday night mixer where we were able to meet the majority of people for the very first time. So to say we were happy and excited would be an understatement. I’ve literally had sleepless nights in anticipation of getting to finally connect directly with people. One of them was even one of my 80/20 team mates who’s been working with me since the fall of 2007. Tears, joy, hugs. All of it. Totally wonderful.

      So now that we got that off the plate. Indeed these are very sobering times and sad you weren’t here with us to share in that portion of the experience. I definitely touched on that in the Saturday morning presentation.

      It’s going to require some incredible empowerment leadership to move thousands (hopefully millions) of people safely through The Great Wealth Transfer.

      Wish you could have been there with us.

      Be blessed.


  7. Kari Baxter says:

    Thank you for this video with Mike Dillard. I agree with Mike–this will be the most important conference of the year. I made connections at the friday night mixer that more than paid for this conference. Then your opening remarks paid for it again. Then Paul Harmaan… The value here is amazing and worth 10x any amount paid to be here. I’m looking forward to hearing Mike Dillard’s remarks today. These are exciting times and I love feeling well prepared instead of trepdatious or ignorant.

    Thank you to you and the 80/20 for all the work to put this together and for bringing all this information together in one place!

    Kari Baxter

  8. When the ground shakes, and a nation’s economy is destroyed; when the waters rise, washing away a community’s hopes and dreams; when a child suffers neglect and abuse; when violence tears apart nations; I do not believe it is cash, gold or silver that will make a difference.

    I believe it’s the greed for these things, after all these years that has has brought us ALL where we are today.

    It’s not about money and who has the most wins, remember the Good Book, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, and so many other great profits that walked this earth said “the love of” money is the root of all evil.

    And doesn’t the state of our world show evidence of this? To keep perpetuating the love of money as being the cure all and then to make money from the perpetuating is down right

    We will no longer be able to “think” our way out of trouble we NEED to connect to our hearts and find our answers there..Line up with our spirits, our light…

    Peace & Harmony

    • Hi JoAnn,

      I agree with you about what is most important.

      However… :) This is how I think of it.

      When disaster strikes, how can I position myself to be in the best possible place to help others? If I have no money, I’m desperate, hungry, thirsty and scared, I will not be able to help anyone. Not myself, not my family and not the community.

      If I am well prepared with money (currency), food, water, security and peace of mind, I will be able to protect myself ( and not drain the government and public resources expecting them to do it) my family and definitely other people around me.

      Me being well prepared with help others survive, very literally.

      Being well prepared takes more than hope, prayers and love. It takes money, foresight, knowledge and action. To me, doing these things is an act of love and hope.

      Kari Baxter

      • Totally spot on Kari.

        Is it greed when a mom puts the oxygen mask on her face before her child’s?

        No. It seems counter intuitive but the reality is if you’re not able to take care of yourself first then how are you going to be able to take care of others? In fact, it would be irresponsible to do otherwise.


  9. Thank you for sharing this, so I could feel part of it. I was so bummed to miss it and look forward to the recordings also. Our country and the world is changing at a fast rate due to debt and natural disasters. Leaders like Anne Sieg and Mike Dillard will help in creating good change.
    Thank you.

    • Thank you kindly, Jennifer.

      Appreciate you stopping by.

      We’ll keep you posted for when the recordings are available.


  10. Thanks for this video. Very interesting. Thanks

  11. I was fortunate to read ‘Rich dad poor dad” about ten years ago and started investing in myself.
    Solomon regarded by some to be the “Wisest ” man to ever live said ” Seek knowledge it’s more precious and valuable than gold” ( I believe that ) and want to thank you guys for sharing your knowledge with others.

    • You’re so very welcome, Eric.

      I too was greatly influenced by Robert Kiyosaki. In fact, it was his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” that gave me my burning desire to see (and believe) that I could create my financial destiny.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  12. The Great Wealth Transfer Conference this past weekend was very powerful and empowering! There was so much content and value provided to those who attended.

    I have become to prepare on a number of levels and this weekend was another step in my preparation. Thanks so much to the entire team for putting this together!


    • renegadeblogadmin says:

      Hi Marsha,

      Thanks for being a part of our team during GWTC by giving a hand with the video testimonials. We super appreciate all your hard work. It was busy all the way through.

      Glad you liked the material as well. I have to tell you I just bought a five subject notebook today and am breaking the Great Wealth Transfer into categories and am steadily going to plow through all this. It’s as Mike Dillard said. This is the Age of Self Reliance.

      My hubby and I just watched one of the presentations from the Monday Legacy Building Workshop. It was the one with JP Morgan and Adrian from First Capital Funding. I took pages of notes on it.

      Then another subject will be food preparation. I’m going to go through that with hubby as well. We all need to take leadership on this within our families. My notebook is the way I’m handling it. Mike really modeled that well with his diary in EVG. I see my Sieg Family Great Wealth Transfer notebook as part of my family legacy. They’ll be able to look back and see how I actively participated in the Great Wealth Transfer.

      I’m planning to share my notes with my boys when I get up north in a few weeks. Sharing my journey and decisions with them should spark a lot of family input. On the order of what Paul teaches with the Family Empowered Retreats.

      Exciting times to be in. The opportunities are endless.

      Thanks for all you do Marsha!


  13. Hi Ann,
    Great information and thanks for spending the time and resources to pull off a great event! Great job! One of the biggest challenges I notice with people I come across speaking at events is…Most people have a horrible relationship with their money! They don’t understand their money DNA. You can teach people angles on how to build wealth, but think about it, no one is teaching them how to manage wealth.
    I see it day in and day out….”if I just make more money, I will be just fine”. We need to get back to the roots of building a solid foundation FIRST, then educate people how to grow that wealth.
    No one builds a sky scraper on swamp land! Yet, just teaching people how to go make money….most people don’t feel comfortable about their money and when they make more…they spend more! ie, every lottery winner broke within 5 years!

    Ann, we need to provide education and then provide tools to help everyday people that are overworked, underpaid, stressed out how to simplify starting a positive relationship with their finances and how they think about their finances….THEN, let’s go help them build on that foundation.

    I have products that have exploded in the Network Marketing profession because I meet with the Corporate Execs at each of the companies and it amazes me everytime. They tout the lifestyle, the money, the cars, the benefits, benefits, benefits of owning a home business but then when you join and become an IBO with a home business….THEY DON’T GIVE YOU ANY TOOLS TO RUN A HOME BUSINESS!! They give you sales and marketing material with a comp plan and say….”go get it!”
    We have seen how that has turned out….97% failure rate average!
    People don’t know how to “sell” , they don’t like to “sell” and they don’t feel comfortable talking about “money”.

    I understand what you are trying to do at this conference but there is a much simpler and instant issue we need to resolve before we can give people “the big picture dreamboat”.
    People are losing their homes, losing their cars…..Losing their families!
    To teach them how to suddenly go make more money is smokin “hope-ium”!
    I would love to discuss this more with you as I have a ton of the affiliate marketers now approaching me to partner as we can enable everyday people to become successful with their money and then applying these techniques you teach to help them in making more money!
    Thanks Ann! I appreciate you and where your heart is at.
    Let’s go change some lives!
    Eric Tippetts

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