May 4, 2024

Leadership Quality #5: “With Each Success Put It In Your Camel Back!”


In business be sure to give yourself the kudos and high five after completing a high level task successfully.

Even with your small incremental tasks, give yourself praise and a pat on the back. You deserve it. Bask in that moment.

From there, be sure to quickly store it in your camel back.

You’re learning, or already know that you have to continue climbing the metaphorical mountain. Smart business owners know they can never kick back and relax. They know business is the sport of non-athletes.

Seasoned business owners come to know the seasons in business. As a result, you get acclimated to the peaks and valleys. After awhile, you know not to panic during the valleys but to respond in a more intelligent, experienced way.

So always be sure to throw your successes in the camel back so you can pull them out when times are tough to draw on as emotional reserves. Bank into them. It will serve you well.

I believe most of life revolves around sources of energy. So managing your energy sources is paramount for having a consistent, stable business.

After watching my video share with me a victory moment in your business (in the comments).

Be a champion!

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About Ann Sieg

Ann Sieg is the CEO of 80/20 Marketing, Inc. She's the author of The Renegade Network Marketer, The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing & The Attraction Marketer's Manifesto. I'm inviting you to connect with me. I love feedback. All of it. So let's have an intelligent helpful conversation to help you become more profitable in your business. Leave a comment below.


  1. Pat Campbell says:

    What I learn from these comments and this video are two things…
    1. no matter how small the victory…acknowledge it..share it with someone, savour the moment emotionally
    2. store the victory in your memory bank for those times when victory seems elusive or action is slow.

    I would add that keeping a journal of these moments gives a tangible reminder to review to bolster attitude and action.

    My personal victory this past month is letting go of a dampening mindset and forging ahead with hope and intention. My energy is revived with good hope based on access to solid teaching, training and coaching.

    Thanks for your Leadership.

  2. Some great advice Ann. I agree it’s important to celebrate the successes, even the small ones, but it’s also important to not be too connected to the outcome (whether good or bad). Care…but not too much.

  3. Greetings sweet Ann. I am flabbergasted with this last teaching on leadership. What am saying is that leadership quality #5 is very outstanding. I can’t imagine how you got the inspiration and revelation on leadership and to educate it in an explicit way. Kudos, Ann.

    Secondly, I told you that on the month of February I started a small business with a friend. It seems very hard to succeed in the business because some people have tried running that particular business and failed and the location of the office is very isolated.

    To cut the long story short. My friend and I started the business. I actually joined him on the month of February 2013, when the business was still down. He started the business on the month of January.To my surprise since I applied Attraction marketing method “Teaching Sell” and am knowledgeable in what I do or preach. The outcome of the activities from that February till date is very outstanding.

    We have goals and objectives and measure every day our level of development. Honestly, to me I have not done anything but the people have started making comments. I want to balance it offline and face online.

    That’s all folk.
    That’s all folks

  4. Savoring the moment is refreshing…but be careful that it isn’t too satisfying….it is very easy to feel like phewww…I did it! And pause too long to savor, thus ruining one’s momentum.

  5. Hi Ann, I feel so comforted knowing you and the 80/20 team are out there creating events like the 4 day mentoring workshop. Having access through DMC is a real benefit. I don’t know Lisa personally but I’m sure shes taking this high moment and saving it as a reserve for future successes. Glad to be connected to you and the team online and wish you all the blessings in the world. You guys are great!

    Rick Salas

  6. Great video Ann and the message came just at the right time. One of my friends who joined me in my primary networking business just achieved a rank advancement last month. I’m relishing that moment when I was privileged to announce it to her and our team, both privately and publicly. It’s hard to convey the feeling you get as a leader when someone you’ve sponsored succeeds. I can only describe it like this: it’s like when one of our children or grandchildren accomplish a small feat…our hearts swell with joy, love and pride. I’m putting these business accomplishments in my camel back and journal to always remember the journey.

  7. Great message Ann! Sometimes for me….it isn’t even the “big” victories, but at times it’s the small ones that really count. Perhaps the message is just a little different, or even more personal, that speaks directly to your heart and helps you to realize they are moments to cherish and store up. When a snarky comment shows up, I can then lean back into those encouraging comments with a smile. We need to store those up for the times when we question…..why am I doing this??? Love your leadership series…it has really been wonderful. I have been sharing them with others..thank you!

  8. Ann, thank you… thank you… sometimes the voices of what we have NOT done speak louder after a victory and we forget to STOP and CELEBRATE.
    This week I have had some small but impacting victories and I did not “do the high five”, so I am going to do that today. Thanks
    Also, I missed the conference, and am waiting to hear the dates for August so I do not miss it. High five to you and your staff for a “job well done”, everyone I have interacted with was forever been changed by that encounter.
    Blessings and refreshing to you… this day,

  9. Ann, I recently lost weight and I set “rewards” for the end of each 30 days if I had reached my goals. It made a big difference to my success. I love doing victory moments for my business too. You are so right that the best feeling of all is seeing the ones that I am helping be successful! Awesome feeling!

  10. Ann,
    thank you for the words which are powerful and helpful. Your support is appreciated.

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