May 1, 2024

How To Recruit 8 Out of Every 10 Prospects You Talk To!?

How I Recruited Almost 8 Out of Every 10 People I Talked To, AND Sponsored 15-20 People a Month Consistently WITHOUT Slick Sales Tactics or Ever Overcoming Objections!… by Scott Rogers

You know, many times we all hear or see headlines like “Sponsor 20 People a Month Easily!” or “You’ll Have People Calling YOU To Sign Up Every Day!“…

But, past all the hype and excitement – you are rarely ever told the entire TRUTH about what it really takes to achieve these things.

Well, I’m going to tell you (and completely explain) an exact strategy I have used to personally sponsor 15 – 20 plus people a month into a network marketing business consistently WITHOUT using slick sales tactics or having to “overcome objections”. I’m going to tell you how I communicate and work with prospects effectively to achieve an almost 80% conversion rate from prospects to recruits – so YOU can apply it to YOUR business and do the same thing!

Truth is, I used to achieve the typical average results in network marketing: Like sponsoring 1 or 2 people a month (sometimes 3) into my business, but when I applied a special strategy to my efforts (which I teach in detail below)…

I went from 1 or 2 people a month to 6 people the very next month – then on to 15, 20, 21, month to month after that!

=> Here’s how:

1) The first key ingredient in making this a reality – is that you must have good, qualified leads to be working with upfront.

You see, you can’t expect to recruit 15-20 people a month or sign up 8 out of 10 prospects by using the typical “prospecting” methods most people are taught. Those methods tend to be more solicitation, and less attraction. Plus, most people you prospect are simply “suspects”. So don’t spend your time trying to convert suspects into prospects – simply learn how to attract TRUE prospects, and you’ll skip a wasteful step most other network marketers always make.

So if you want to be able to sponsor more people, then you must have plenty of prospects to work with just about every day – AND they must be qualified prospects. Otherwise, it’s wasting your time and stealing your leverage.

Now, I could teach you all about effective marketing and positioning (which will allow you to generate these qualified leads daily), and I do teach this in-depth in my own materials – but today the focus of this strategy really hinges on communicating with your prospects in a way that can allow you to increase your sponsoring efforts exponentially:

Even if you do go out and generate lots of qualified leads every day; if you don’t communicate with them effectively and uniquely – you’ll still have difficulty converting leads into solid recruits (and sales).

2) The second key ingredient is to help that prospect Get What THEY Want!

What does that mean?

Well, you first have to step away from the typical thinking of “how can I get this person to sign up”. You must realize that effective recruiting is more about getting that prospect what he/she wants, and less about you getting a “yes” from them.

Exactly HOW do you do this?

You must start thinking of yourself as a “solutions provider” instead of a representative from your network marketing company who wants to sign them up. Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes, and think about how YOU would want to be treated if you were that prospect. Think of yourself as somewhat of a consultant, and not just a network marketing sales rep.

You must put your prospect’s needs/wants above your own, and focus on helping them achieve or obtain what they want.

=> To actually apply this technique:

When you call a prospect to follow up with them or return their request for more information…

You want to ask questions about what they are looking for or need, and actually let THEM talk. By asking THEM questions, you will find out exactly what they are looking for; and then can better help them to achieve that through what you offer.

For example:

I used a 2 step process when I communicated with my prospects…

First, when someone asks for more information or is considered to be a qualified lead for you – call them directly on the phone:

And instead of trying to pitch them on your deal or tell them all the great stuff about your opportunity…

Simply offer them a free 30 minute consultation to discuss how you can help THEM find or get what they want!

Secondly, you call them again the 2nd time to do the actual consultation.

Don’t worry; I know the word “consultation” may sound big and scary – and you may think that you may not be qualified or prepared to consult someone…

But, all it really is – is you asking them questions to better determine how qualified and interested they are; and finding out if and how you can help them find what they are looking for through your opportunity. It’s actually a very simple conversation.

=> So what do you SAY when you FIRST call them, and how long should that call last?

Basically, your only objective is just to “schedule a consultation” on that first call, so it should only typically last about 4 – 6 minutes:

Here’s an example of what to SAY in that call:

1. You start by introducing yourself and letting them know that they had responded to you (requested info from you, etc.) and you are getting back with them.

2. Then, you check to make sure that it’s a good time for them to talk (people may be distracted when you call and it would NOT be wise to continue if that’s the case – so ask “Did I catch you at a good time?”)

3. Then reaffirm that they had responded to your message (marketing), and then offer them a free 30 minute consultation to discuss what they are looking for or help with what they are trying to accomplish.

4. If they would like a consultation, qualify them a little further first by asking them a few questions to gauge their level of commitment and desire (how serious are they about getting involved in a home based business, do they have any time or money to invest into a business venture, etc.)

5. Then simply offer a few open times you have, and schedule the consultation for 1-3 days later.

Now that you have set a consultation appointment successfully, then next step is…

The Consultation Itself :

To prepare for the consultation:

  • Set aside at least 45 minutes of time for a consultation (average about 25-30 minutes, but sometimes it will go over that).
  • Obtain a notepad or spiral you will make notes on during the consultation itself (as the prospect is talking and answering questions).


The consultation is not really to “close” the prospect into your business. Prospects COULD make a decision to join with you by the end of the call…

But, the purpose of the consultation is really to start a relationship with your prospect, uncover what their needs/wants are, and assess their commitment level to know how to move forward in the recruiting process. (EFFECTIVE recruiting is a process, not really an event!)

=> During the consultation you…

Identify THEIR concerns/issues, listen to see what they need help with or have an interest in, figure out how you can help them solve those issues; and if the solution you arrive at is appropriate to their needs, and is in line with what you offer…

You move them forward in small, non-threatening steps towards applying or obtaining that solution (your business opportunity or more info about it).

You really want to start the call by asking them questions about themselves, their seriousness of interest, and what they are trying to accomplish or fix.

The answers they give you will help you determine if they are truly good prospects and what the next step for them in the process would be.

The goal of this call may not really be to ‘sign them up’ right then and there!

  • It’s to simply keep them moving forward towards their objectives (or signing up) using certain ‘commitment criteria’ in a step by step process that they are comfortable with.
  • Remember, that as long as they continue to show ‘commitment steps’ every time you talk to them – they are still a serious prospect and will most likely join you as soon as the timing is right for them…

During the call, you will be able to determine how serious they are and where their commitment level is. Then, as you end the call – you will better know where to direct/send them for the next step.

Finally, as long as they keep moving along with ‘commitment tasks’, keep following up with them until they sign up or they stop committing to the process – or they begin to steal your time from your serious prospects.

Always remember

  • That EFFECTIVE recruiting focuses on your PROSPECT getting what THEY want – and your job is to simply guide them through that process in a ‘consultative’ way.

Then, if what they want to accomplish or achieve lies in what you offer – you lead them to that in a direct, but never pushy way so they (and in turn YOU) will get what they want!

Helping others get what THEY want (especially in this industry) will allow you to get what YOU want!

Scott Rogers

Scott Rogers
Marketing Trainer and Lead Generation Specialist

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  1. Very valid points made here. Driving traffic to your sites daily is a must for survival. It is about plugging people in to your system and those that take it serious will join.

  2. Karen Forder says:

    Fantastic great advice Im gonna give it a go.x

  3. Excellent post Scott, I’ve been following the consultative approach for a long time and it works wonders.

    Build the relationship first, help the person get what they want and as soon as they can see that you are a person who’s able to provide them with value, help them achieve their goals and it’s a win win situation, they usually join my business.

    I’m impressed how far you’ve come Scott! I remember when you first started out in this industry and now you’re a Marketing Trainer and Lead Generation Specialist.

    Congratulations on all your hard work!

    Speak soon,
    Gavin Mountford

  4. It’s the boomerang effect. You get what you give. Very informative post.

  5. Rich Dilla says:

    A different approach than what others usually advise. This is great help especially for those who want to be ‘smart beginners’. I will definitely share this post with my team.

    Keep em coming!

  6. Hi Scott:

    This is great information, and really disspells the myth of just trying to sign them up and move on, which is what I was taught. I see greater value in this and a much better way of retaining people because they’ve actually connected with you, and you with them. Putting myself in the prospect’s shoes, this would be the way I would want to be treated.

    Great insight and clearly this is what works.
    Thanks for taking the time to put it all together.


  7. very good content…it is interesting that the people business still requires the interaction…whereas most of us would lie to automate that process and leave it to the computer.

  8. This is excellent material that I am going to immediately use to train my UPLINE!

  9. This is an excellent piece of work. I will use this idea. I am a “newbe” at this industry.

  10. I was just reading a 1995 book by Richard Poe and thinking that the 3 foot rule of pitching your product/service could get you arrested or killed in todays world. Even with the advancement of technology the human element and developing a relationship through effective communication is the only way to attract and hold business. We all yearn for feel good person to person contacts in this current environment of machines and so called shortcuts based on little substance or value. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your successful approach! I appreciate this kind of information!

  11. Great post Scott! And it’s so true – focus on the prospect’s needs. We have an acronym I teach my team and others I train – FACE – Forget About Yourself Completely. When you focus on your prospect and meeting their needs, you will have lots of happy people joining your team!
    To your success,
    Dr. Laura

  12. Thanks, Scott. Like Rana, I am sending the link to this information from you to my upline, cross line and downline folks.

  13. Carmen Dorshimer says:

    Thank you Scott for sharing not only the idea of moving people forward, but examples of the proper wording for the conversations. Excellent for those of us who are new to Marketing. I will share this with others who are interested.

  14. Excellent info Scott. This is what all network marketers need to learn to be successful. I am a fan of Michael Oliver who advocates the same principles, but Scott has simplified them (which I like).

  15. Great points Scott!

    People don’t want to be talked into anything, they want validation for their choices. Listen, connect and offer solutions… what a concept!

  16. Great comment Scott. It is a pleasure to be commenting about this useful information, because I needed it again. We need to be reinforced sometimes in the good stuff. So please keep the good work,


    Jose Lasa

  17. Scott, interesting way of putting it all in a nut shell! I find the advise very useful as my tendency is to offer the ultimate solution (signing them up) much too early. Patience and the prospect’s concerns are always number one. Thanks again.

  18. Hi Scott,

    It’s so true that the purpose of the first consult is all about the prospect and building a relationship with them. But also what you made clear is that we do have to offer choices that might help them achieve what they want… like our opportunity.

    If we never offer our business as a solution, recruiting a highly qualified lead just won’t happen.

    Thanks so much for this post!
    Terri Stallcop

  19. Laida Williams says:

    Thank you Scott for sharing your strategy in recruiting prospects. I consider myself a smart beginner in the networking industry. I will put this information to use!

  20. “What’s in it for THEM?” Great article, Scott! Just about the same principle Michael Dlouhy teaches at Mentoring For Free.
    I appreciate You,

  21. Scott,
    Once again you have done a really good job of putting down what’s important in the recruiting process. This is very valuable and vital information for us to absorb, especially when first starting off.

  22. Scott, your methods of recruiting are what Attraction marketing is all about. Your consultative approach is a great way to build trust and respect with the prospect. Sometimes the “first appointment call” can be skipped if you can get people to fill out a questionnaire on your website. However, it’s not always easy to get people to do that, and it misses a chance to start the relationship building process.

  23. I recommend this article. I like the brief initial call concept and then the consultation. It is true – give what people want and thus, they become loyal to you.

    Great aricle!

  24. Ron Rodriguez says:

    Scott Thanks for this great article you posted. I understand now what my weaknest points are and what I need to change. It’s not easy out thier and many people today are confuse of what they really want and what you can do for them with this unforgiving economy.

  25. Excellent reminder, Scott, of how to effectively consult with prospects on the phone. I needed that. Thanks.

  26. tom morin says:

    Scott….FINALLY someone who is willing to give a little information on how to recruit. AND….it ALL makes perfect sense. I’ve been in telemarketing for over 35 years and it’s a completely different “process”; one must control the conversation. For recruiting in the network marketing business, your process looks like it is VERY effective….Now, if I just had the money to invest in someone’s program, I’d be in like Flynn….or something like that. I won’t be poor forever.

  27. GREAT POST! You know I never thought of it before but you have made some valid points to recruiting others. I have always known about being a “solution provider”. In fact I tell my recruits this all the time but I don’t think they get it. I am going to recommend this post to my recruits and on my e-letter. Thanks for the information!

  28. Very helpful and a really more caring and loving approach and that is certainly a way to operate a business that is contrary to the usual way. Cheers for such a much better way to live and have a successful business—win win.

    Thanks for sharing !

    Ginny Sandis

    March 17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day

  29. Laxman S. Porob says:

    Very sensible approach for Network marketing.

  30. MCHATTA, RASHID says:


  31. Hello Scott,

    I genuinely appreciate the instruction and am determined to apply it.

    As usual, Ann, you have ‘overdelivered,’ with this great content!

  32. Ron Ruggles says:

    Great information! I’m so glad that the idea of consultative approach is getting traction in the network marketing arena!
    Thanks ~ Ron

  33. Great article Scott. I have also watched you grow through the community. You are doing awesome! I will use the great advice you give here. Thank you.

  34. Scott, excellent article on how to effectively move a prospect though the sales process.

    Glad you bring up the idea of focusing on what the prospect wants or solutions provider as you call it.

    So many people come into this business with a what’s in it for me attitude not realizing that it’s not about you it’s about solving peoples problems.

  35. Hi Scott!
    I liked the point you made that prospecting is a process, not an event, and that the consultation isn’t necessarily to sign them up, but to keep them taking commitment steps.
    Thank you for sharing that.
    Kari Baxter

  36. Good stuff Scott. This info was forwarded to me by Ann Sieg, who is also quite expert at marketing. Most folks have a heck of a time with “prospecting” for sure. We use an extremely soft approach first, and I also learned many years ago to offer to “pay it forward” first. I offer this piece of info so that all of you wishing to move ahead (financially) may be able to replicate this idea into YOUR own organizations. I own two businesses, one a film studio and the other is World Supermoves ( since 1984). How I discovered to overcome the whole prospecting issue is to give prospects money FIRST. SMS offers a prospect an unbeatable deal (this is what you folks can consider to launch your prospecting) If a prospect has a friend (anyone in the free world via email) visit the website and that person joins, then the prospect (non member) gets a $100. bill. No strings attached. (If not for the prospect we would not have that new member would we?) Therefore, if the prospect wishes to repeat that, they would keep receiving $100. for each person who joins. However, the key is, the prospect can be earning a few hundred dollars without even yet joining. This is to prove to folks that there are no strings attached nor risk. But if and when the prospect joins , then they receive MLM profit shares of each of five levels in increments of $3,3,1,1,1. (For SMS it is only a total of $9. of each member’s monthly fee of $50.-60. mth.) This works so well that we tell prospects to get a few hundred dollars in their pocket first, if they wish, then join, and even better take every second $100. bill and give to a prospect ( in a 1 on 1 meeting) just for listening to them. Imagine the power of actually getting a $100. for listening to a 1 on 1. The person will be telling other people about the $100. which of course is viral free marketing. Many of you may wish to adopt something like that. I personally register about 100 people a month doing that method. Good luck everyone. If you would like to analyze in more detail of what I’ve mentioned please feel free to review our 3 page section on “profit sharing” It took me many years to develop a rock solid prospecting plan, much disappointment through the years until finally cracking it! Scott I applaud you in working to help others through this area.
    Cal Lundgren :)

  37. Hollis Holloway says:

    Hello Scott, I truly appreciate the marketing gems you shared with us on prospecting.

    The step-by-step process is simple and easy to follow. I will definitely be using it more often.

  38. Thank you, Scott, for this great post. I have been studying these same principles – and even playing a business simulation (game) that teaches these kinds of skills – in order to become more effective at direct sales and networking marketing businesses. Your ideas are very sound! They have actually helped me to develop more confidence in talking with potential business associates…I’m still practicing and learning these skills, so thanks for your valuable tips and encouragement.

  39. Thanks lot. Because you are providing knowledge to others (good things). I am getting your good development tips and I am following your ways then i am getting results. god bless you

  40. Renegade Marketer Pro says:

    Rana, that’s hilarious! :)
    Kari Baxter

  41. Hey Scott,

    Thanks for the brilliant post. It certainly makes things a lot more clearer.

    The next time I start my follow ups, I will follow some of your approach to see how it goes =)

  42. Scott,
    Your approach is refreshing. I have been a serious marketer for a couple of years and I try to absorb as much “helpful info” as I can. It is nice to see a “info bit” that uses the most important part of dealing with anyone in any business and that is, “How can I help you?”. I recieve literally hundreds of e-mail offers every week, and 99% of them are about selling, paying, and not really helping, except to sign you up and collect the $$$$, then leave you to fend for yourself. I have owned a few businesses and have been self employed over 20 years. My #1 goal has always been, “How can I help you”. I have followed Ann Seig and members on the Renegade team for a couple of years, and their course was most helpful.
    Val Jensen II

  43. Scott,

    i really like it that you don’t pitch your mlm opportunity when you first call them back.You seem to relly take the correct posture with your contacts.

  44. Great points Scott.As one of my mentors suggest, one must give first,without expecting anything back in return.

  45. thanks scott…it is important for me to remember how confused i was at the begining and all the questions running around my head. when i do i can relate more effectively with potential prospects and guide them through the process. good work, keep it up!

  46. Well
    even if someone know how to do this two steps calling prospect,but after read all this make more clear view of jobs.I really be begin in another side before ,and after read this I will try to use this methods to push myself in going to be good sponsoring.Thank you so much

  47. I always check to make sure it is a good time for them. Nothing is worse than trying to force yourself on a distracted prospect. You might as well just hang up rather than try and get anything across to them.

  48. Hi Scott,

    This is my first visit to your blog and I must say I am so impressed. Again it always loops back to relationships. It doesn’t matter if you are talking about marketing in the “old days” or today, regardless of the technology. The bottom line is there has to be a connection, not rushed, and to help get what the person wants. Where did I hear that before? I think, Zig Zigler!

    Raena Lynn

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