April 26, 2024

Day One Mindset

Throw Away Your To-Do List (sort of)

I have to-do list. But looking at it right now is intimidating. I feel overwhelm creeping in.

(I think I’ll check my Facebook home feed).

Guess what I just did?! And what I advise you to do too…

Crumple up that to-do list. Toss it in the garbage.

You see, I’ve just returned from a four day family trip. It was a fun time. But here I am staring at this computer with what feels like more than a full day of work in front of me.

And thinking about it so much is not helping me get things done.

Yet I can’t ignore the to-do list even if I do toss it in the garbage. I also can’t stray from the real work by doing the other things that aren’t that important i.e. scanning my Facebook feed, responding to emails.

The Resistance

This is called resistance. If I’m to succeed at what I do, I must fight the resistance. I must wake up every morning and slay that dragon.

There is only one way to fight the resistance and win.

Sure, you might be able to fight the resistance today and win. Maybe even tomorrow, but you’re not strong enough to win every day. Unless…

Unless you develop a “Day One Mindset.” 

A day one mindset is founded upon a routine.

The routine doesn’t change during the busy times, or the slow times. The routine doesn’t change during the successful times or the down times. Every day is treated with the same day one mindset.

What if you made the choice to untangle from all the messes you have, and to see anew what needs doing?

Try it.

What The Day One Mindset Looks Like

For those of you asking, What does a day one routine look like? I might offer you this advice:

For starters, it prob’ly looks different for everyone depending on your goals. Just remember, in it’s physical form, it’s a routine, but in it’s mindset, it’s a way to live. It’s an approach to “going pro” and defeating the resistance that slows you down, drags you down and holds you down from your dreams and goals.

For me?

Well, that depends on which shoes I’m standing in, but I’ll give you the generic version.

My goal is for people to see me as useful, personable, trusted and capable.

My day one routine is broken up into three 90 minute segments: 

  • Personal study. I realize that in order to be useful and capable, I have to keep learning. Sharpen the saw as Covey would say. So I spend my first 90 minutes learning from the experts, and applying that to my world.
  • Writing, and/or creating media for the web. I don’t publish a blog post every day, but I do write every day. I write things that are useful for you. (Like this post, eh?)
  • Facebook connecting, and follow up in-general. My people are on Facebook. So are yours. I’ve recently started to keep a spread sheet on people that I meet at Facebook. It’ll help me remember names and stories, and ultimately I’ll be able to serve them better. I like Facebook because it allows me to build relationships before a transaction occurs.

I know that if I follow my routine every day that I won’t have a problem with overwhelm.

I won’t have a problem with a huge to-do list. Everything gets done on it’s own time with the routine. The routine fights off the resistance.

And when I falter and get off routine, having a day one mindset allows me to simply start fresh without judgement. I start fresh every day anyway. I simply keep a focus on each day like it’s the first day. 

Important Question For You To Consider

For those of you following ‘a plan,’ consider the following thoughts, and try to monitor and be reflective of yourself this week on the following:

When things get busy… do you throw away parts of your plan that are the hardest to do? (Or the ones that take the most thought?) If so that means you have to work even harder at keeping to your plan.

Be aware of yourself, and fight the resistance with a day one mindset.

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About Eric Walker

Eric is an 80/20 Marketing staff member and marketing collaborator. He spends his days writing content and copy for a marketing purpose. Eric is an optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. If you have a question, and/or would like to communicate with Eric directly, email Eric@8020MarketingInc.com


  1. I like the idea of “Day One Mindset”…it makes so much more sense than the “make a list” thing.
    I like lists when it comes to some things…and doing this business is so creative that lists just don’t seem to work the same way for me.

    I like “Day One Mindset” because it seems to provide resistance a creative place to flow through so it can stay focused… and ultimately end up with the results one wants!

    It’s great hearing about how you “plan your flow”…so to speak :-)

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