April 18, 2024

Replay Customer Friendly Marketing Webinar

Click here to get the Special Report on Customer Friendly Marketing

Last night’s webinar on Customer Friendly Marketing with David Garfinkel was a big hit!

We played to a packed house and we know there were some people who couldn’t get in.

Fortunately we recorded every minute of it and you can watch and listen to it at your convenience:

What people especially liked is David and I gave some excellent resources to find out about the new FTC rules and what they mean.

But even better we also gave some unique easy to use strategies to strengthen your marketing without worrying about the FTC so much.

I urge you to watch this webinar as soon as you can. It has some very important information for you.

To get the Special Report: https://www.ultimatecopywritingcrashcourse.com/

Denise Gosnell: www.siteproweb.com/ftcprofits

Kevin Houchin: www.sitecompliant.com

Jim Edwards interview of an FTC official http://www.igottatellyou.com/blog/ftc-change-interview/

To Your Success,

Ann Sieg

About Ann Sieg

Ann Sieg is the CEO of 80/20 Marketing, Inc. She's the author of The Renegade Network Marketer, The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing & The Attraction Marketer's Manifesto. I'm inviting you to connect with me. I love feedback. All of it. So let's have an intelligent helpful conversation to help you become more profitable in your business. Leave a comment below.


  1. Thank you so much Ann and David for this great call. I’ve been so confused with all this FTC talk. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

  2. Thank you very much Ann and David for this great teaching. This will help me help more people and communicate with potential customers better.
    Trul, grateful, Jessie

  3. What was really great about this webinar is that it was NOT focused on what the FTC is telling you that you cant do, but what you can do that the FTC has never had a problem with which is being real in your copywriting instead of using testimonials as proof elements.

    I hope people didn’t “miss the point”,thinking this was another way to “get around” the FTC but more so an opportunity to use methods that have been being used in the offline world and by some of the very best internet marketers for YEARS.

    I own the Copywriting Crash Course and I didn’t think that there could be one more set of templates added, as David is giving away for free in the special report with the course, that could expand on what is already in the course.

    Many people are fearful of what the FTC is doing and an focusing on that. There have been many many calls by top marketers discussing this topic for weeks trying to explain it, which is good but I am glad that David and Ann have taken the fear out of the FTC rules and given marketers a way to ethically, honestly, and with integrity advertise using sound copywriting skills.

    Thank you Ann and David for removing some of the fear and giving us the tools through the Crash Course.


  4. David and Ann,

    Thank you so much for this webinar. It is great to see and hear such a positive approach to the challenge re: the new FTC ruling.

    Again you have over delivered. I have had to stop this recording several times to write down fresh and new ideas.

    Jim Parks

  5. Duane Ford says:

    Thanks Ann and David,
    Not only was the information you gave helpful (and reassuring) but the interview with Jim Edwards and the FTC official was of great help as well.
    Thanks for both the info you gave us and the link.


  6. Cindy Murphy says:

    Hi Ann and David,

    What a great webinar filled with lots of resources and insite. The notes I took will certainly come in handy.

    Have a great day.

  7. Tom Renfro says:

    Thanks for the replay… I was cut off and missed much of the program..But I can always count on you folks to come through with a replay.

    What great information, I really like the “out side the box” thinking. Focus on the possibilities not the problems.. Wonderful..

    Hey, a word to anyone thinking about signing up for the Ultimate Copywriting Crash Course, two words…DO IT.. I had the opportunity to take the course this past summer and I just can’t say enough good things about it..

    The templates alone are worth the price of admission (there are bunches of them for every session), but it is so much more than that, it’s all down to earth.. practical, usable information balanced with just the right amount of “why” or “big picture” understanding.

    You know, there is such power in copy writing, that in today’s business climate, it’s a survival skill.

    What I loved about David’s classes was, that as a non-writer, I’ve been able to develop the ability to write effective copy..

    And believe me.. if I can do it … anybody can..

    Sorry about getting up on my soap box… but it’s true… what else can I say?

    Again David, Ann, Thank You,

    Tom Renfro

  8. Richard Garay says:

    I had an “Ah Ha” moment listening to this webinar.
    Now I know why my copy writing so far has been a bust. Also thanks for helping me get off the negative thoughts about the FTC.

  9. I am only half way through listening to the archived version of this webinar, and I must say that I am THOROUGHLY impressed with the quality of the information presented.

    Like other commenters, it’s great that you’ve chosen to focus on what we CAN do as opposed to what we can’t. I can envision using these techniques, not only in copywriting, but also in my article writing, blogging, and even the book that I’m supposed to be writing but have been procrastinating about for several months now.

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Thank You Anne and David for the replay. I was on a call with Coaching Cognition last evening so I missed the original call.

    I am living in Calgary, Alberta. I am not too sure how all these rules apply in Canada, so as a safeguard I use Attraction Marketing Model.

    The FTC rules and regulations are familiar to me through my MLM. I am so fortunate to have this training and your sharing this information with me.

    The call tonight was a reinforcement to what I have been taught through this year.

    Attraction marketing really applies here!

    Thanks again

  11. Great webinar. Customer Friendly Marketing is the way to go. Thank you.

  12. Hi Ann & David thank you very much for this well laid out very to take a simple approach and look at the new ftc regulations, highly valuable information l learned from this webinar that l can put in to action in my business now, l must watch webinar for any one connected to the business world

    Thanks again Guys :)

  13. Thanks for the Replay!

    I believe the most(if not all) of the listeners feel more secure about marketing their stuff and have now more confidence from your words and slides, because I know I do.

  14. Bev Ferraro says:

    Ann I am going to do the 90 day course again with Deb and Arne and again if need be I got the deal now more than ever!!! I want to be a positive honest and helpful person on line like in person and I think I know how to do it now!! Cant wait!! Is there a list of things I need to do to become a Super guide?? Thanks BEV

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