April 25, 2024

Are you talking to EVERYONE about your MLM company?

Coach Curt Johnson

The real problem is those MLM’ers who don’t try or acknowledge tech changes exist, and continue to market their opportunity with extremely outdated mindsets. Please sit with me for 3 minutes while I confront this issue.

Here’s Why Emotional Labor Isn’t Easier Than Physical Labor, But Will Always Pay Far Better

Louie is my step dad. The wisest thing he ever said to me was, "Junior (he always calls me "Junior") the best advice I can give you is you better OWN YOUR OWN DREAM. It's a ton of work and often scary as hell, but no one else will ever care as much as you do about reaching that dream.

No one will pay you to do physical labor anymore. This is the end of the industrial age. This recession is a forever recession. For our entire life, my grandparents and my parents got a job, did what they were told and retired. I was born in 1976, and I’m seeing the death of that […]

Are You Afraid Of The Emotional Labor That’s Involved With Building Your Digital Based Business?

Emotional Labor of the web

I’ve reluctantly been doing some consulting with a gal local to my area. I say “reluctantly” because I’ve sworn off consulting because I’ve yet to find a person or small business that actually has the audacity, gumption and stick-to-it-tivness to REALLY make it work. Because let’s face it, when it comes to building a business […]

Seven Powerful & Effective Methods To Help People Get What They Want Most


What I love most about working with people is finding better ways to help them get what they want most. This takes a lot of creativity and ingenuity, especially if from the onset I know what they’re trying to do is going to take stamina and hard work. Perhaps this is what makes it so rewarding. To know from my coaching and mentoring I helped them reach their mountain top accomplishments. Read on to find out my 7 best strategies to do just that.

Leadership Quality #8: Grace Under Pressure: How Not To Lose Your Cool

Despite being super prepared, and no matter the amount of experience you may have, you WILL run into challenges. How you handle yourself will make all the difference. Here’s how to keep your cool and have grace under pressure.

Leadership Quality #7: Good Leaders Know When and How To Delegate

Ann Sieg

It is your job to train those around you to be effective and efficient. Here are some specific tips on how you can delegate your current tasks onto someone else.

Leadership Quality #6: Focus In On The Good In Everyone and Everything

Ann Sieg’s leadership series #6 where she describes how to focus on the good in everyone and everything and how that can positively impact your business and mindset.

Leadership Quality #5: “With Each Success Put It In Your Camel Back!”


In business be sure to give yourself the kudos and high fives after completing a high level task successfully. This video tells one way that I do so, and it’s leadership quality #5.

Leadership Quality #4: Leaders Inspire Others Into Action Through Selfless Action

Ann Sieg and mom and dad Sieg

It’s a bit counter intuitive. True leaders live in the space of their vision of how the world “ought to work.” When they do this they naturally attract to them people of like mind and vision.

Leadership Quality #3 Allow Yourself To Be Put To The Test To See What You’re Made Of

Ann Sieg

Use fear as a motivator to drive you into actions you wouldn’t normally do. This tests your mettle and stamina and this is most definitely needed in business. Without it you can quickly become passe as your competitors who are willing to step up to the plate go flying by you.

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